Elevate Your Appraisal Career: Five Ways Belonging to ASA Can Help You Find Your Ideal Job or Start Your Practice

Joining a professional organization can be a game-changer for your career, and for those in the appraisal profession, ASA stands out as a leading choice. Beyond networking and professional development, being a part of ASA can be instrumental not only in securing a job but also in laying the foundation for launching your appraisal practice. In this article, we explore five ways ASA membership can contribute to your job search success or entrepreneurial endeavors.

  1. Networking Opportunities:

ASA’s extensive network of professionals in the appraisal profession is not only a gateway to job opportunities but also a valuable resource for aspiring entrepreneurs. Establishing connections with experienced appraisers, industry experts, and potential business partners within the ASA community can provide insights into market trends, business strategies, and potential clients. Networking through ASA can be a crucial stepping stone toward building a robust client base for your appraisal practice. Visit ASA’s Find an Appraiser online search tool.

  1. Access to Exclusive Job Listings and Business Opportunities:

ASA membership doesn’t just grant access to job listings—it also opens doors to potential business opportunities. Whether you’re seeking employment or contemplating entrepreneurship, ASA regularly shares exclusive job openings and business prospects within the profession. This unique access allows you to explore not only job roles but also potential partnerships or avenues to kickstart your appraisal venture. Visit ASA’s Job Bank and Career Center.

  1. Professional Development and Certification for Business Success:

Pursuing ASA accreditations and engaging in professional development programs not only enhances your skills for job applications but also equips you with the expertise needed to run a successful appraisal practice. Clients often seek appraisers with recognized credentials and a commitment to excellence. By obtaining ASA accreditations, you not only increase your employability but also establish a solid foundation for building trust and credibility as a business owner. Learn more about ASA’s Education and Credentialing Programs.

  1. Industry Recognition and Credibility for Entrepreneurial Ventures:

Launching your appraisal practice requires a high level of credibility and industry recognition. ASA membership signifies your dedication to ethical conduct, continuous learning, and adherence to industry best practices—attributes that can significantly bolster your business’s reputation. Clients and partners are more likely to trust an appraiser with an ASA affiliation, giving your entrepreneurial endeavor a competitive edge in the market. Learn more about ASA’s high standards, ethics, and policies that set members apart.

  1. Mentorship and Support:

ASA has an active Mentor Program for those who would like help navigating the accreditation process. The ASA community offers valuable mentorship opportunities and support for aspiring entrepreneurs. Engaging with seasoned professionals who have successfully navigated the accreditation landscape can provide invaluable insights, guidance, and encouragement. ASA members often share their experiences, challenges, and successes, creating a supportive environment that can empower you to confidently pursue your accreditation. Learn more about ASA’s active mentor program for those looking for help getting started.


Belonging to ASA not only enhances your chances of securing a job but also lays a solid foundation for entrepreneurial success. From networking opportunities to access to exclusive job listings and business prospects, ASA membership equips you with the tools and connections needed to thrive in both traditional employment and entrepreneurial ventures. Embrace the advantages of ASA membership, and embark on a career path that not only fulfills your professional aspirations but also allows you to chart your course as a successful appraisal business owner.

Are you ready to take your career to new heights and explore the exciting possibilities within the appraisal profession?

Join ASA today to connect with industry leaders, access exclusive opportunities, and pave the way for a fulfilling and successful career. Visit the ASA website or call (800) 272-8258 and become a part of a dynamic community dedicated to excellence in appraisal. Your journey towards professional growth and entrepreneurial success begins with ASA membership.

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